2014년 4월 26일 토요일

부활절 기도문

(아틀란타 감리교회 손유의 장로의 기도문)
On this Easter Sunday 
my joy of meeting the risen Lord wasn't quite 
as full as it had been. 

Because those unfinished dreams 
of so many young people weighed too heavily on my heart. 

The words of my pastor, 
"No one can comfort the hurting hearts of the parents 
who's lost their child's life, 

only the Lord who is the light can slowly lift them up 
out of the darkest despair" 
have been ringing in my head. 

He says it because he knows what it is like. 

Who but the risen Lord Jesus could heal 
the hundreds of broken hearts out there in Korea? 

I believe the good Lord will bring peace 
to the hurting hearts of the parents. 

And I can only try to feel the hurts of the parents 
in my heart 
and pray for His tender mercy to heal them. 

Lord, have mercy. 
Lord, have mercy. 
Lord, have mercy

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